Sunday, June 10, 2018

Biophilia or Biophobia

"As civilization advances, the sense of wonder almost necessarily declines" (Heschel, 1990).

Could that be true? What is your opinion on that? Mine is that yes, it can be true. We are slowly losing the beauties of the world as civilization advances. It seems as developers believe that everything has to have something built on it otherwise it's useless. However, I don't think they take into consideration that there is already something "built" there. The trees, the plants, the ecosystem is all built from our natural resources. So it doesn't have to be built by hand or machine in order to be considered developed. Let's develop on what is already there to ensure that we will have something to enjoy otherwise all of the building will be standing with no one in them.

Photo by

"You could say that the kids who had greener setting were just richer" (Kuo, 9).

I couldn't agree more with quote. They are richer because they are able to experience what life is really like. They get to feel the grass under their feet, the air that we breath and the sun in our face. Indoors not only do you lack all of those but also physical activity as well nutrients provided by the outdoors. I feel that kids who haven't felt the grass haven't lived. I mean how will you know that it's ok to fall as you won't get hurt. Opposed to falling on gravel or pavement you will more than likely injure themselves. You get to see the life that comes from the grass, the ants, the plants, worms and even the dirt that is in the grass. Greener doesn't always mean the paper kind but instead the kind that actually feels like something. 

Photo by Cavan Images

Wiggins Pass

The place I chose to draw is the beach. Wiggins Pass beach to be specific in Naples. I chose it because this is where I spent many of my weekends when I was little. My family is very big and we are all close and because of that we spent a lot of time together. This was one of those places. Our parents would cook on the grills and we would enjoy the water and the sand. We also spent many Easter Sundays here as one big happy family. I hold it dear to my heart especially since we don't go that often anymore. Everyone has their own family and decides to spend the time amongst themselves. Sometimes here just not the big group as it was before. I really miss the times that we spent here, it brings back so many memories of all of us especially my dad now that he is gone.

Drawing by Lourdes

Sources: University Colloquium Reader. (2011)

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