Sunday, June 17, 2018


"The balance of nature" (Leopold, 68).

In order to keep our world in order we must have a balance of some sort otherwise we will suffer in the area that is unequal. I myself am not the best when trying to keep our balance in reference to sustainability. We recycle our plastic and bottles, however it makes no sense because we buy bottled water. We have a water purifier but we don't really use it. I drive my husband's truck which uses more gas per mile when I also have a small car that would use less gas. We shower more than once a day and it usually isn't a quick one, I have to wash my hair everyday and that takes some time as it's so thick, so in all honestly I don't think I'm contributing that much to sustainability. Do I need to do more yes and I say I will but then just don't follow through. How can I expect others to have a balance with nature when I can't do it myself. Growth and expansion for our people is good thing but we need to find how we can have a happy medium or my grandchildren may not be able to enjoy the outdoors like I did.

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"The fish need the forest, the forest needs the fish" (Suzuki, 1999).

I think what Suzuki means here that although we may not be directly connected we are directly connected. We need each other in order to keep the planet in line. People and animals eat the trees or fish that eat the bacteria in the water that creates a cycle of needing from one another in order to survive. When the extinction happened hundreds of years ago was mainly because some of the resources that were needed for the dinosaurs and plants to survive was missing, creating the extinction. Am I part of the cycle? To me I am but maybe not in the right way. I'm meat eater and not a plant eater, no type of salad or vegetables even and if I do eat vegetables it's a very short list. The same with fish no way, no how so my contribution isn't that great in that part either. Slowly I'm seeing why my contribution to helping the planet showed that I would need two and a half planets if I was too keep surviving the way I currently am. 

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